Auditions: Tips, Tricks an Advice

From previous experience and also advice for future me, I thought it would be a good idea to write up some ideas for both you and me.

Auditions vary so much. I’ve auditioned for a dance companys, dance colleges, musicals and plays which I will go into detail on another blog for you guys. After auditioning for all these, I have come up with a list on tips, tricks, advice and preparing. Some stuff may be repeated but at least it will stick with you and remind you.

Dance Company’s

I have had two different experiences with this so I’m just going to do an overall sum up.

  • Keep hydrated – Drink plenty of water : Whether it’s a full day audition, half a day or just a couple of hours, always ALWAYS have water on you. You are going to be dancing full out so keeping hydrated is a very important thing.
  • Make sure you understand what you are auditioning for – Research : If you auditioning for a more ballet/contemporary company make sure you have basic technique and understanding of that specific thing and if it’s more of an all round dance show company then make sure you have an understanding of all dance types this may include tap and hip hop. Things that you may not done much of.
  • Personality : Make sure you have something that’s going to make you stand out above everyone else. This may be just being really friendly and you get on with everyone, this makes you a team player and shows you can get on with everyone or it could be something unique about the way you dance. Make the choreography your own and give it some emotion. This is difficult for some to do so you may be able to stand out against others.
  • Food : If you are at a full day audition definitely bring some snacks to keep you going. This includes smoothies, fruit and veg. A little bit of chocolate is good but not too much.
  • Improvisation : Every dance audition I have done, at the end of the already choreographed piece, they have asked for improvisation. As you know this now, you can already start thinking of something that is going to make the panel say wow. Maybe it’s something out of your comfort zone but the panel won’t know that.

Dance Colleges

I have auditioned for two dance colleges. One professional and one just normal college.

  • Preparation : One college wanted a song prepared and the other wanted a dance prepared. If they ask for something specific to be prepared, it will either be a song, dance routine or a monologue. If they do ask, make sure you have learnt it. No college likes someone is unprepared. This shows that you are not reliable. If you want to be really prepared make sure you have to of everything. Songs: Musical and one contemporary. Dance: A jazz piece and a contemporary. Monologues: A contemporary and a Shakespeare.
  • Keep hydrated!
  • Personality : Make sure you stand out!
  • Triple Threat : A triple threat is someone who can act, sing and dance. Even if your auditioning for a dance college, the chances of having to do acting and singing workshops are very high. Both colleges I auditioned for I had to do all 3, even though I am mainly a dancer.
  • Food : Keep eating those healthy snacks.
  • Dress to Impress : Chances of everyone wearing black leotards? Very high. Wear a different colour to make you stand out against everyone else. If you only have black leotards, make sure it’s not plain. Maybe it has detailing or lace. Make sure it’s something different.
  • Improvisation : Once again, you may be asked to improvise so make sure you’ve got some tricks and moves to make you stand out.
  • Technique : Nearly every college is going to have a ballet everyday on their timetable. If you turn up to an audition with a ballet workshop and you’ve never done it. That’s okay but the panel will be able to tell that you are struggling and will probably ask you to get some training in it (from experience).
  • Rejection : You have to have a thick skin. Not every college is going to want you. You could have the same technique and looks that someone else who has already been accepted has and they you could be rejected and other colleges could be waiting for someone just like you. It all depends. If you get rejected, you come back 10x stronger next time.


I have auditioned for one musical and one play during my year west Suffolk. Both auditions lasted over 3 days and all 2 hours a day. There’s not much to these as they vary so much.

  • Keep hydrated!
  • Prepare : I had to learn a monologue for the play with a friend and make sure you learn it. I forgot it and felt like an idiot so I’m warning you guys to not make that mistake.
  • Listen : Make sure you understand what they are asking you to do and you get on with it because if not they will pick you out and you won’t get a role.
  • Rejection : Once again, each role has a specific personality and look and if you don’t fit that then you probably won’t get that part but make sure you really want it because they may change their minds.
  • Personality : Stand out!


So this is just an overall look on auditions and I will do a more detailed blog on just the auditions I have done.

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